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Complimentary With All Full Home Inspection Service

Residential Home Inspections for Purchase Transactions

Home Inspection Service Brooklyn
A home inspection is a thorough and systematic evaluation of the condition of a residential property. It is a complete physical exam of the general integrity, functionality, and overall safety of a home and its various components. The purpose of this process is to ensure that home buyers know exactly what is being purchased, prior to completing the transaction.
In the course of a home inspection, the inspector will evaluate the foundation, framing, roofing, site drainage, attic, plumbing, heating, electrical system, fireplaces, chimneys, pavement, fences, stairs, decks, patios, doors, windows, walls, ceilings, floors, built-in appliances, and numerous other fixtures and components.
In all homes, even brand new ones, some building defects will inevitably be discovered during the inspection. All pertinent findings will be detailed in a written report for the buyer’s reference and review, and the inspector will make a complete verbal presentation of these conditions for those who attend the inspection.
Home Inspection Service Brooklyn
This information enables a home buyer to make educated decisions about a home purchase: whether to complete the transaction, whether to ask the seller to make repairs, or whether to buy the property as is. Buyers can also determine how much repair and renovation will be needed after taking possession, which problems are of major concern, which ones are minor, and what conditions compromise the safety of the premises.
A thorough inspection enables a home buyer to avoid costly surprises after the close of escrow. It is an indispensable component of a well-planned purchase.
Residential Pre Listing Inspections for sellers and realtors

You want to avoid surprises during the sale of your home. One of the smartest things you can do to prepare for the sale is to have it inspected. The Pre-Listing Inspection is the same inspection and process as the Buyer’s Inspection, but you get the results. Offer a better package and stand out from the rest of the homes for sale in your community by offering a Pre-Listing Inspection. You’re taking your home to the doctor for a checkup before selling it. Our realtors report that homes with a Pre-Listing Inspection sell 55% faster than homes without. Be prepared—inspect your home today!
Commercial Property Inspections

Commercial inspections are completed for properties like apartment complexes, motels, office buildings, retail stores and warehouses. The inspection evaluates the major systems of the property and the visible structural components; it also catalogs the type and condition of HVAC equipment. The commercial inspection results are reported in a concise, computer-generated, comprehensive report of the building’s overall condition adhering to current ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.
Wood destroying Insect Inspections (report on NPMA-33 form)

The NPMA-33 is authorized for the purposes of securing mortgages (FHA, VA, HUD, and Conventional) and settlement of property transfer and is authorized for use in all states. Some states, very few, require a specific state inspection form be used exclusively; otherwise, the NPMA-33 is used for all real estate transactions purposes.
Actually two (2) separate documents specify, between them, all the inspection instructions and treatment recommendation guidelines: 1) the NPMA-33 and 2) the Suggested Guidelines for Completing the Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report form NPMA-33 (“SG”).
The NPMA-33 and the SG speak, each for itself, and the inspector’s job is to follow the instructions and treatment recommendation guidelines as stated in said documents.
Key: Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report form NPMA-33 = NPMA-33
Suggested Guidelines for Completing the Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report form NPMA-33 = Suggested Guidelines or SG
Treatment Recommendation Guidelines = TRG
Wood destroying insects = WDI
Licensed Exterminator or Pest Control Operator = PCO
Final Walk Through Inspections to help property buyers

The final walk through inspection is conducted on the day a buyer closes on a home. Knowing what’s important, and what to look out for, can save a good deal of grief, and money, later on.
This final walk through needs to address the home’s condition in two ways:
The first has to do with problems previously uncovered or identified during the original home inspection.
The second has to do with any new damages to the home that may have occurred after the original inspection.
Inspections for reverse mortgage transactions

A reverse mortgage is a loan against home equity that requires no repayment until the home is sold or the last surviving borrower dies or no longer occupies it as a principal residence. At that point, the home may have to be sold to repay the loan. The loan amount is designed to be no more than the home’s value. But if sale proceeds are insufficient to repay the mortgage, the borrower’s estate is not liable for the difference.
Reverse mortgages have been criticized for having high fees, as well as for forcing borrowers to remain in the home for an extended period and preventing borrowers’ heirs from obtaining a valuable estate asset, the home. For these reasons, reverse mortgages have been looked upon by many CPAs and financial advisers as a last resort. However, recent changes to reverse mortgage instruments are making them more attractive for qualifying individuals.
Mold and air quality sampling and inspections

1.1 The purpose of this standard is to provide standardized procedures to be used for a mold inspection. There are two types of mold inspections described in the IAC2 Mold Inspection Standards of Practice:
(1) Complete Mold Inspection (Section 2.0)
(2) Limited Mold Inspection (Section 3.0)
1.2 Unless the inspector and client agree to a limitation of the inspection, the inspection will be performed at the primary building and attached parking structure. Detached structures shall be inspected separately.
1.3 A mold inspection is valid for the date of the inspection and cannot predict future mold growth. Because conditions conducive to mold growth in a building can vary greatly over time, the results of a mold inspection (examination and sampling) can only be relied upon for the point in time at which the inspection was conducted.
1.4 A mold inspection is not a home (property) inspection.
1.5 A mold inspection is not a comprehensive indoor air quality inspection.
1.6 A mold inspection is not intended to eliminate the uncertainty or the risk of the presence of mold or the adverse effects mold may cause to a building or its occupants.
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