Get the Facts About 5 Home Inspection Myths

Once their offer is accepted, eager home buyers have another hurdle to overcome, the home inspection. As a real estate agent, you can ease your client’s mind by being a source of information about the home inspection process. Here are the facts behind five common home inspection myths.

An Appraisal Is the Same as an Inspection

If your buyer is ecstatic about the appraised value of their future home, they may be tempted to avoid the hassle and cost of a home inspection. It’s important to remind them that the value doesn’t indicate whether issues exist with the major home structure and systems. While an appraisal focuses on the market value of the home, the inspection focuses on structural, mechanical and maintenance issues which should never be skipped.

The Inspector Can Advise About Whether to Purchase the Home

Although the home inspector will give your client a comprehensive report about the property, he or she will not offer an opinion about whether to buy the home. As the real estate agent, you are the trusted resource to the buyer in making this decision based on the inspection.

Homeowners Don’t Need to Attend the Home Inspection

After all, they are getting a comprehensive report, right? Following along with the home inspector will provide the buyer a valuable education about the property which can be of significant benefit as they proceed with the home purchase. These details can also be a great learning experience for the agent, so feel free to tag along.

Home Inspectors Are Always Certified

Not all states require professional certification for home inspectors. Agents can refer their clients to trusted inspectors who adhere to industry best practices for continuing education and have the knowledge and experience necessary to provide a comprehensive inspection.

Brand-New Homes Don’t Need an Inspection

It’s just as important for new construction homes to receive an inspection before purchase as it is for older homes, if not more so. Lived-in properties show signs of wear and tear, making potential problems and needed repairs evident to a good inspector. New homes haven’t been tested by years of use, so they need to be thoroughly inspected. This is also true for homes that have been newly renovated before a sale.

In short, buyers should always have a home inspection and need the advice of their real estate agent during this critical process. Give your clients the scoop about these five home inspection misconceptions.