Remove Adhesives with Heat

If you’ve got something sticky that doesn’t want to budge, try using heat to remove it. While chemicals can end up peeling off paint, a hairdryer is a great tool, providing hot air in a [...]

Using Borax To Remove and Clean Mold

If you are trying to cleanse your house of mold, you probably are looking for the right cleaning substance. One option you may not have considered is borax. Like all mold-cleaning options, borax [...]

4 Easy Ways to Beat Allergies This Year

Allergy season can be a nightmare for those who are affected. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. By taking steps to allergy-proof your home, you can make your allergies as manageable as [...]

Is Your Radon System Working Properly?

Once a radon mitigation system is installed, it’s easy to become complacent. However, it is important to follow up installation with regular testing. This ensures that the system is working [...]

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